Mommy Makeover

Diastasis Recti (Is a tummy tuck the solution?)

Diastasis recti is the separation of the rectus abdominis muscles - usually during or after pregnancy. Diastasis recti can happen when the linea alba is overstretched and cannot return together.

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Why Do Those Breast Implants Look So Fake?

Dr. Schwartz discusses some of the common reasons that breast implants look fake.

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Why Do Those Breast Implants Look So Fake?

Dr. Robert Schwartz discusses some of the most common reasons breast implants can look fake.

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Which Manufacturer Makes The Most Natural Looking Breast Implants?

Dr. Schwartz reviews the most popular breast implant manufacturers and his approach for choosing the right options for his patients.

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What's The Difference Between Smooth And Textured Breast Implants?

When it comes to implants, you've got options.. Including the surface of your implants. In this article we help you understand what's the best option!

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What Is A Partial Abdominoplasty / Mini Tummy Tuck?

Dr. Schwartz, a Dallas plastic surgeon discusses the case for a mini tummy tuck procedure.

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